Friday, November 1, 2013

Weight Management Tips for the Holiday Feast-tivities!

Alright, the holidays are quickly approaching and along with this time of year come, parties, big dinners and lots of tempting treats.  So here are a few tips for surviving the holiday feasting season:

  1. Go For A Quick Walk:  On the days you are going to be feasting, take a walk in the morning and after the meal.  As you walk the increased oxygen, endorphin's and adrenaline will help digest the food and help you avoid the couch coma effect.
  2.    Go Outside and Play:  This one is much easier for us here in South Florida.  Many families in Florida plan beach time during the holidays, just remember to bring the Frisbee or football and make sure you get some activity involved with your beach outing.  Or take the kids to the park after a big meal, get some fresh air and have some fun!
  3.  Chew Your Food Extra Well:  Your body is used to chewing a mouthful of food a specific number of times.  The more you chew, the less you are inclined to eat and your body will feel full sooner.  Plus, when you chew your food very well, it has time to interact with the digestive enzymes contained in saliva.  Once you do swallow, your body is better able to digest, process and eliminate your meal, allowing nutrients to be absorbed more efficiently.
  4. Drink Plenty of Water:  Water has no calories and helps you digest and process foods.  It will also make you feel fuller faster.  Drink a glass or two with the feast and it will interact with the fiber in your meal and make you feel full and satisfied faster.
  5. Try Using Light Alternatives:  Nowadays there are lots of good alternatives that are low-calorie, lower in carbs or lower in bad fats that taste very much like the original high-calorie version.  See if you can add a few of these items to your menu to help reduce the calorie content of some of your favorite foods like butter, whipped cream, sour cream.  In some cases you can blend things like Stevia with real sugar to still make your baking sweet and tasty, but lighten the sugar/calorie content at the same time.
  6. Pay Attention to Your Body:  When you begin to feel uncomfortable, stop eating!  Many times the food just tastes so good that we go way beyond the point of comfort.  You feel full and sluggish and, of course, the natural progression of this leads to a couch and a long nap.  It all sounds so tempting, but remember, when you sleep, so does your metabolism.  I call this the lips to hips condition.

You can enjoy the holidays and still keep on top of your diet and at least maintain your body’s current condition and weight.  It is not as hard as it seems with these simple tips!  Our Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialists have lots of other great ideas for helping you get through the holiday season happy and healthy!

Til next time,

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