Saturday, July 14, 2012

Spine Health Supplements

4x Nutrition wants you to be prepared for your free Posture Assessment and Spinal Cord check. Dr. Gena Bofshever will be here on Saturday, July 21st from 11am-2pm.

As most people are well aware, good nutrition and a balanced diet are important components of overall health. What may surprise people with back problems is that diet, nutrition and maintaining a healthy weight also play a major role in the back – including preventing many problems and healing from injuries. Eating a balanced diet that includes the right amount and variety of vitamins and nutrients will reduce back problems by nourishing bones, muscles, discs and other structures of the spine.

Here’s a partial list of supplement choices that can be directly beneficial for helping maintain a healthy spine which leads to good posture.

Vitamin A – An antioxidant that assists the immune system in fighting off diseases. It’s good for the back because it helps repair tissue and helps in the formation of bone. (Food sources: beef, chicken liver; dairy products like milk, butter, cheese and eggs; apricots, nectarines and cantaloupe; orange and green vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes and spinach)

Vitamin B12 – Necessary for healthy bone marrow and for the body – and the spine – to grow and function normally. (Food sources: meat products, such as liver, fish and red meat and poultry; dairy products like milk, eggs and cheese; and green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale and broccoli)

Vitamin C – Necessary for the development of collagen, which is an important part of the process that allows cells to be able to form into tissue. This is extremely important for healing problems caused by injured tendons, ligaments and vertebral discs, as well as for keeping bones and other tissues strong. (Food sources: strawberries, kiwi, oranges, grapefruit and tomatoes; broccoli, spinach, red and green peppers, sweet and white potatoes)

Vitamin D – Helps improve calcium absorption, which is important for the development of strong and healthy bones. Adequate calcium absorption is particularly important to help prevent development of osteoporosis, a disorder characterized by weak and brittle bones in the spine that can result in painful vertebral fractures. (Food sources: egg yolks, fish oils and most brands of fortified milk; can also be obtained by spending time in the sunlight)

Vitamin K – Needed for the bones to properly use calcium. The combination of vitamin K and calcium works to help bones throughout the body stay strong. (Food sources: liver, pork, spinach, kale, broccoli and dairy products)

Calcium – Essential for bone health and helps maintain the necessary level of bone mass throughout the lifespan and especially in old age. Calcium intake helps prevent the development of osteoporosis. (Food sources: yogurt, cheese, milk, spinach, broccoli, kale, peanuts, almonds, sesame seeds, black beans, salmon, sardines, corn tortillas and tofu)

Don’t get overwhelmed by all these supplements. No need to buy these supplements separately. 4x Nutrition has just the thing. The supplements needed for maintaining optimum spine health are contained in one product – ENVIE. It’s a complete multi-vitamin, mineral, amino, greens and antioxidant formula. ENVIE contains all-natural, organic ingredients. It also contains digestive enzymes to help improve nutrient absorption to over 90% which is double of what most vitamins deliver. ENVIE contains an equivalent of a full serving of fruits and vegetables. It tastes good too! A yummy wild berry powder that mixes easily with water and just one small scoop a day is all you need.

While you’re at 4x Nutrition getting your posture assessment and spinal check with Dr. Gena, why not pick up some ENVIE? Then you’ll be on your way to maintaining a healthy spine.

If you have further questions, please see one of the Certified Sports Nutritionist the next time you’re at 4x Nutrition. We’re happy to help any way we can.

Missy Taylor, Certified Sports Nutritionist

1 comment:

  1. That's the post i was looking for about spinal health supplements Thanks for the details about this valuable information hope to see the next update soon.

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