Friday, August 26, 2011

Post workout - A look at what they are and how they work!

Bullnox. Cellmass. Cell-Tech. Maxx Recovery. Xtend. NO Synthesize. Size On. Humapro. Jetmass.

There are literally hundreds of products out there called POST WORKOUTS.

So what IS a post workout? Do you need one? What is it for?
Today I'm going to give you a brief explanation about what a post workout is and what's the benefits of taking one.
So let get to it!
According to Webster online a post workout is "The period of time immediately following an intense workout when your body is best able to handle carbohydrate. 60-90 minutes long."

This is the time when your body is in need of precious nutrients to help it recover from the workout you just put it though and depending on the work out and your individual goals should be depleted of mostly protein, aminos and carbohydrates.

Let's look at the three main things that make a good post workout.
2.Amino Acids

Protein is the easiest so lets start there, as Whit explain in our other blog each persons protein needs will be set by their goals. Protein is what your body uses to repair the holes we tear in our muscles during any periods of exercise. Protein synthesis is also a big part in how our body's cells grow and rejuvenate with the help of amino acids.

Amino acids are the chemical units that make up proteins, as they are famously called the “building blocks” of protein. Specifically to post workout are the aminos L-Glutamine and BCCA's (Branch Chain Amino Acids) which help increase nitrogen retention within muscle cells, speed recovery,support optimal growth hormone levels and reduce muscle breakdown and cortisol levels. All important functions to insure you can not only recovery and repair from the workout you finished but that your muscles are able to go and and repeat the same intensity of exercise again later.

Now to the big one CARBOHYDRATES!

Most people look at carbs as the enemy when it comes to post work out and fitness in general. Let me remind you that carbs are the fuel our body's use to function! Just like the high priced gas that goes in your car, with out carbs our bodys will not run at their best performance. Think about a time you didn't have a lot of carbs before work. Did you find it hard to focus? Where you overly tired even after a good nights sleep? Were you a little cranky? All attributed to not enough carbs. A great after workout carb is sugar. Taking in 5-25 grams of sugar will cause a spike in insulin hormone which increases the nutrient absorption.Insulin counteracts cortisol and minimizes protein breakdown,so all the good protein and aminos you have make it to the sites where they are need. So in this case sugar and other fast acting carbohydrates are your friend!

Now that doesn't mean stop by Dunkin Donuts on the way home, but having a post workout shake like Intek Evolution Post-Workout or even a Gatorade Recover will supply your body with just the right amounts of protein, carbs and aminos to help you bounce back faster.

Depending on your goals will determine on how much of those three key ingredients you might need. Here are general guideline based on two common goals: Leaning out. Gaining Mass.

If your looking at leaning out you should shoot for easily digested protein sources such as whey protein, egg whites and fish are definitely important for immediate recovery. The best approach is to consume 30-50 g immediately,with Whey Isolate being the best source and then include slower-digesting protein sources such as chicken, meat, whole eggs or casein powders about an hour or so later.

For our gainers looking for mass gain, a good goal is to try and make your post-workout meal about 15-25% of your total daily caloric goal (if your diet calls 3,000 calories a day, your post-workout meal would be about 450-750 calories). It should contain a quality carb mixture and a quality protein source.

Now according to, "Post workout nutrition doesn't end with the meal immediately after your workout. Protein synthesis is elevated by 50% postworkout but it can be as high as 110% up to 24 hours postworkout. So keep supplying nutrients to your body in small, frequent and balanced feedings of carbs (40-70 grams), protein (30-50 grams), and water (up to 1L meal meal) every 1.5-3 hours.

As with all supplementation and food planing feel free to stop in a talk with one of our Certified Sport Nutrition Specialist to make sure your on the right track per your goal.

As always "Hard work pays off, easy work is worthless!"

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